As an unregulated profession, R&D tax relief has seen its fair share of troubles. What options do responsible advisors have ...
Anna Anthony has been named as EY’s latest managing partner for the UK and Ireland. Anthony has been a partner at EY for more ...
Hi There is a company that rents properties then furnishes them and then puts them on airbnb and such websites.
Let’s face it—accounting can be a bit of a headache at times. Balancing books, chasing invoices, making sure everything adds ...
Every year we review which applications our clients are running on our platform. Given the nature of what we provide (hosted desktops for ...
John Holliday /(pictured left)/, a partner at Pocknells, said that his lightbulb moment came after he bought into a practice at 27. “I was very ...
Many practices that have been operating for more than 10 years have, (or least had), an office server, usually sitting in the ‘comms room’ - aka ...
I am having a really difficult time trying to obtain my client's pay and tax details for his pension. He lives abroad and sometimes doesn't receive post.
After Indeed posted a controversial view of career stages [1], AccountingWEB asked the Any Answers community what they thought [2].
We’ve seen how artificial intelligence (AI) can have a range of positive impacts for practice owners and discussed the measures you should take to ...
Due to a skills shortage in the UK a Ltd company client wants to employ foreign workers and provide accomodation for them in the UK.  The finances ...
Do you disclose Director's entertaining of shareholders for PSA if it exceeds the trivial amount? Business enetertaing normally doesn't get reported. Would ...