On 3 and 4 October, the Department for the Execution of Judgments carried out a mission to Warsaw, organised in cooperation ...
Children have the same human rights as adults, plus additional protections due to their special needs. The Commissioner calls ...
The role of sport in our modern societies is important, taking into account its social, educational, recreational, cultural, health-promoting and economic functions.
The Assembly called on all Council of Europe member, observer and partner states to "make use of all instruments at their ...
Medical care is increasingly diffused across a variety of institutions, personnel, and technologies. The doctor-patient relationship has always adapted over time to advances in medicine, biomedical ...
On 27 September, the ceremony certification of the “Leonardo da Vinci Route” and the “European Route of Historic Pharmacies ...
The preceding discussion in the section entitled “Potential impact of AI on the doctor-patient relationship” concluded that ethical standards need to be developed around transparency, bias, ...
The remainder of this section focuses on an account of the healing relationship and medicine’s fiduciary duties developed in the context of virtue ethics. A virtue-based approach emphasises the ...
An influential approach which prescribes ideal ends (and thus norms and internal goods) of medicine based upon virtue ethics has been advanced by Pellegrino and Thomasma. Within this approach, based ...
Le Groupe de travail de la CEPEJ sur l'évaluation des systèmes judiciaires (CEPEJ-GT-EVAL) tiendra sa 47ème réunion à ...
Le 9 octobre, le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire Général sur les migrations et les réfugiés ( RSSG ), David Best, a ...
The Action “Supporting effective domestic remedies and facilitating the execution of judgments in Albania” is funded by the ...